New development for combined tank technology for storing liquid hydrogen

New development for combined tank technology for storing liquid hydrogen

Australian manufacturer Omnitanker and Lockheed Martin of the University of New South Wales have collaborated to develop a combined tank technology for the transportation and storage of liquid hydrogen for use on the ground, in the air, underwater and in space.

This project is carried out through a grant from the government’s Advanced Manufacturing Growth Center (AMGC).

The two new operations for storing cryogenic liquid fuels work by combining the nanoengineering technology developed by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in collaboration with Rocket Martin and Omnitanker with Omnitanker’s patented OmniBIND technology.

A large-scale propellant tank is developed. For commercial and civilian satellite programmes: Carbon fibre composite tanks lined with ‘Type IV’ fluoropolymers and ‘Type V’ linerless carbon fibre composite tanks. Both are suitable for high pressure and are cryogenic, which is also required for liquid hydrogen, as hydrogen peroxide, hydrazine.

Announced as part of the launch of AMGC’s Commercialisation Fund, the $1.4 million co-funded project will leverage two innovative homemade technologies to combine the transportation and storage of liquid hydrogen for ground use.

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19th July 2021