TotalEnergies launches new battery storage project in Belgium

TotalEnergies launches new battery storage project in Belgium

On the occasion of Belgian Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten’s visit to TotalEnergies’ Antwerp refinery battery storage project, the company revealed plans for a second similar project in Belgium.

The new project will be situated at TotalEnergies’ depot in Feluy, boasting a power rating of 25 MW and a capacity of 75 MWh. This significant capacity will be achieved through the installation of forty Intensium Max High Energy lithium-ion containers supplied by Saft. Expected to commence operations by the end of 2025, this initiative represents a substantial investment of nearly €70 million.

With these two projects combined, TotalEnergies’ storage capacity in Belgium will amount to 50 MW / 150 MWh.

These battery storage facilities play a crucial role in bolstering the resilience of the electricity grid, offering flexibility and aiding in alleviating grid congestion issues. Moreover, they facilitate the expansion of renewable energy sources in the country by mitigating their intermittency through reliable storage solutions.

“We are delighted to announce the inception of this new storage project in Feluy, following closely on the heels of our Antwerp venture, which is set to be operational by year’s end. These projects align seamlessly with our comprehensive strategy for electricity development, not only within Belgium but on a global scale,” remarked Olivier Jouny, senior vice president of integrated power at TotalEnergies. “Furthermore, these technical systems underscore the European leadership of our subsidiary, Saft, renowned for its battery production expertise and industrial-scale stationary storage capabilities.”

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9 April 2024