Vopak Terminal Deer Park reaches agreement re improved emissions controls

Vopak Terminal Deer Park reaches agreement re improved emissions controls

Vopak Terminal Deer Park has announced that it has reached an agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States Department of Justice, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Attorney General regarding emissions controls.

As part of the agreement (referred to as a consent decree) the terminal will make several improvements to its facility, many of which are already underway. The consent decree is not an admission of liability but rather represents an agreement between Vopak Terminal Deer Park and the government on a range of new controls and processes.

Deer Park Terminal Manager, David Carter said: “Vopak is committed to being a leader and responsible company in the communities where we operate and we are happy to cooperate with all governmental agencies to ensure that our facilities meet the highest regulatory standards. We are also committed to continuous improvement and look for ways each day to innovate in our operations and the way we do business.”

As part of the consent decree, Vopak Terminal Deer Park is investing approximately $5m in upgrades at its facility, including enhanced operations procedures and improved tank covers. The company is also investing in advanced technologies such as the usage of Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) optical gas imaging cameras.

For more information visit www.vopak.com

3rd July 2017

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